General Contract Terms

All projects are subject


All estimates are best guesses but not guarantees of final prices. The nature of each project affects how uncertain we might be in our estimate, what unexpected obstacles we might have to overcome. Your project coordinator should speak with you about these details, but please do bring up any questions you might have.
We will always advise you of changes to your project cost before we commit to them. You can also advise us of your tolerance for these variances during your general conversation about the project details and initial estimate.
Our commitment to you: no project will ever cost more than 5% the original quote WITHOUT a prior consultation and approval from you, our client.

Project Pricing

We’ve found it best for our business and our clients if we clearly define a scope of expectations and agree to a fixed price.
This way you’ll know exactly what you’re going to spend and we’ll know exactly what we need to deliver to you. No surprises: everyone on the same page. This is part of the process which ensures we pay our taxes, maintain equipment, and bring in crew as needed.

Required Deposit

We require a deposit from the client to take any steps beyond rough estimates, quotes, or bids.
These funds help make sure everyone involved is satisfied with the project’s outcome. It gives the client the confidence they have our company’s attention. It gives our administrator the funds to order materials. It gives our manager the money to commit to labor schedules and provide reliable work to secure reliable workers.
All projects must be covered by at least a 70% deposit of the original quote to begin any services and start any timelines. You are welcome to pay up to the entire amount up front.

Partial Projects

We do not offer partial or incomplete projects. Of course this means we complete the job we can agreed upon. But it also means that we don’t take jobs which are vague or that you’ll ‘finish.’
We do this for the benefit of everyone involved. This helps keep expectations clear and ensures projects are completed and delivered to clients.
The only exceptions are if we are explicitly working by-the-hour, or if we’ve been forced to abandon a project thru no fault of our own.

Media Recording

We reserve the right to record evidence of our projects. This includes but is not limited to: audio and visual media from before, during, and after the project.

Notice of Right to Lien

This is a notice meant to protect all parties engaged in legal business.
You can find out more information here: