About Us

Everything about our experience

Master of Horticulture

Mykl Nelson focused his studies on both social and soil sciences.
He conducted extensive research into urban garden soils. His finding helped change how soil labs process garden soils, as well as providing evidence for real differences between raised ebds and in-ground soil characteristics

Master of Horticulture

Mykl Nelson focused his studies on both social and soil sciences.
He conducted extensive research into urban garden soils. His finding helped change how soil labs process garden soils, as well as providing evidence for real differences between raised ebds and in-ground soil characteristics

Certified Permaculturalist

A sustainable, synergistic approach to the triple bottom line:

Certified Permaculturalist

A sustainable, synergistic approach to the triple bottom line:

Bachelor of Agriculture

Mykl Nelson used this degree to become a scientist and launch his career in nutrient management
Agriculture is the most effective way to affect change in a population, and Mykl is determined to do this, in a holistic and positive way.

Bachelor of Agriculture

Mykl Nelson used this degree to become a scientist and launch his career in nutrient management
Agriculture is the most effective way to affect change in a population, and Mykl is determined to do this, in a holistic and positive way.

Bachelor of Arts

Mykl Nelson’s foundational studies were formed by philosophy, political science, communication, and law. He uses improved versions of these skills daily.

Bachelor of Arts

Mykl Nelson’s foundational studies were formed by philosophy, political science, communication, and law. He uses improved versions of these skills daily.